meet our team
It was in the Spring of 2010 when God spoke clearly to me that I was to plant a church. He said, “You’re supposed to plant a church. Do it here and do it now”. The problem was, I’d never been a pastor before! I’d never been in the ministry before. And how in the world would I have any clue how to do something like that!? At the time I was a 29 years old sheet metal mechanic working in a trade I loved and enjoyed. And my wife of 10 years and I were raising our 3 children. I was definitely not in any position to plant a church, much less pastor one!
Landon & Sarah Holder Lead Pastors

Jehu was born and raised in the city of Monterrey, Mexico in a pastoral family and from a very young age he began to feel God's call upon his life. At 17 years old he began ministry studies at the Bible Institute “Christ for the Nations” and began to serve in different churches, preaching and leading worship. Years later he married the love of his life, his wife Priscila, and they started praying to the Lord for his purpose for them. They felt God's call to come to the United States and minister to the Hispanic community. God provided the way and He guided them to Georgetown and to My Church, which became their family. They currently have almost 5 years serving in this beautiful ministry to the Hispanic community. They have 4 beautiful children Josiah, Leonardo, Lana and Victoria.
Jehu & Priscila Garcia
Spanish Pastors

Marla Moore
Children’s Ministry Director

David & Miranda O’Banion Youth Ministry Directors
David and Miranda O'Banion became the youth pastors as of April 2023.
Married since 2002, they have four children (two adult, and two teens), so they are no strangers to the highs and lows of today's teens.
David works at Toyota and Miranda is a nurse. Miranda is also working toward her credentials with the Kentucky School of Ministry and will soon be a certified minister.
Both David and Miranda have been active in many different roles at My Church since its beginning, but they have always felt the call back to youth ministry. They are always willing to meet with teens or their parents.
David and Miranda believe that God is calling young people to live a sold-out, righteous life for His glory, and they are here to partner with the parents and help disciple teens along that journey.

Pastor Andra is an ordained Assemblies of God minister who completed her Biblical studies through Global University, Springfield, MO. She currently is Directing the Connect Women Discipleship program, and teaching women’s Bible study.
Past areas of service were Women’s Ministry director, community outreach trainer/organizer, church board member and prayer team director. She enjoys line dancing and watching British murder mysteries.
Wayne & Andra Poffenbarger
Assistant Pastors
Church Treasurer & Women’s Discipleship

Stan Holder received his bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Trinity Bible College and Seminary, in Evansville, Indiana.
He served as the Lead Pastor of Trinity Assembly of God, in Georgetown, KY from 1982 – 2003.
In 2003 he was elected as the Executive Secretary/Treasurer of the Kentucky Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God. During his tenure in that position Stan also served as a General Presbyter representing the Kentucky Ministry Network on the national General Presbytery Board of the Assemblies of God.
In addition, he served as the Kentucky Church Planting and Revitalization Director, and the Director of the Kentucky School of Ministry.
He also served on the national board of the District Schools of Ministry of the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Stan and Ida joined the membership of my church at its inception, and he has served in different capacities as a volunteer at my church, including fill-in speaker, nursery volunteer, Youth Pastor and adult Christian Education Director.
Stan & Ida Holder
Assistant Pastors

Terry & Marla Moore
Assistant Pastors Men’s Ministry & 50+ Ministry
God spoke to Terry’s heart 35 years ago when he was feeding his cattle that he must feed people the Word of God and take care of them, instead of taking care of cattle. At that time, Terry and Marla were attending Calvary Assembly of God in Cynthiana, Kentucky, raising their family and cattle farming, with Terry working at Toyota Motor Manufacturing in Georgetown.
After much prayer, they sold their farm and with God’s leading, Terry studied to show himself approved and became an Ordained Minister of the Assemblies of God. Since then, they have been blessed by serving in pastoral ministry for 28 years, most recently as Assistant Pastors at My Church.
Terry also served as part of the KY District Assembly of God Presbytery for 15 years, taught at the KY School of Ministry, and has participated in several short-term mission trips.
He currently leads the Men’s Ministry at my church.
Marla currently serves as the Children’s Ministry Director at My Church and leads the 50+ Young at Heart ministry. Past areas of service are Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Praise and Worship, and church administration.

Ashlie Ruth was born and raised right here in Georgetown, Ky. She has always had a passion to care for children. From babysitting and volunteering in the Church Nursery as a teenager to co-oping her senior year at a childcare facility through the Early Childhood Education Program.
Now, as an adult, she is employed with the local school system and serves the Lord faithfully at My Church and in the surrounding community by helping to lead others to Christ and caring for the babies within our nursery program.
Ashlie Ruth
Nursery Ministry Director

Belicia Caudill
Young Adults Director
Belicia Caudill is a young adult who has a heart to minister and build up a fun and “Jesus loving” community of Young adults of all walks of life.
She is dedicated to reaching young adults outside the church community and uses her passion of young adult ministry to serve those around her with a safe and enjoyable environment where all 18-25 year olds can feel welcomed and at home.
Belicia is currently working towards credentialing with the Assemblies of God and taking classes at the Kentucky School of Ministry.

Rachel has led praise and worship at my church since its first service in 2010.
Music ministry is a passion and a calling she has had since childhood.
She has been married to her husband, Nathan, since 2002 and they have two children, Pilot and Harper.
Rachel Lukacsko
Worship Director

Sandra Vanegas Ascencio
Junior Bible Quiz Director

After losing her youngest daughter, born with a very rare congenital disorder, Mary Jane sought support from several different grief groups.
Realizing very few allowed a Christian to express grief, ask questions and seek out where God was in the midst of the worst nightmare ever experienced, she envisioned something different.
She wanted to create a support group that would help others see that God does not leave us in the midst of our grief. Our job is to press in and He will comfort us during the lowest times of our lives. After talking with a couple of friends, The Empty Chair was created.
Mary Jane Taylor
Grief Ministry

Chris Burlile
Security Team Director

James Pemberton has been attending my church since February 2015. Prior to that he had been incarcerated, struggled with drugs, and lived a life of crime.
On Easter Sunday 2015 however, James surrendered his life to God and was immediately delivered! Since that day he has experienced one blessing after another as he has walked out his faith through love and obedience to the Lord’s Word.
He re-married his ex-wife, became a father to his children, became a grandfather, purchased his own home, has seen several lost family members reconciled to Jesus, became a leader in the church, was elected to the church board, launched a highly successful construction and renovation company, and most recently has been appointed as the church’s project manager.
He is a living example of what a reconciled life to the Lord looks like.
James Pemberton Project Director